The power of courage in leadership and how to develop yours

In leadership positions, where decisions can carry monumental consequences and challenges seem to lurk around every corner, courage emerges as a critical character attribute that differentiates those who wish they were leaders from those who are leaders. Courage is a quality that transcends all others, empowering leaders to face adversity with tenacity and confidently lead … Read more

Why love needs to be in a leader’s vocabulary

This week’s blog post is about love and leadership. I know that love isn’t usually a word we associate with leadership or business. And that is a shame. Ask any entrepreneur what got them started on a particular idea or a business leader why they do what they do, and they might give you the … Read more

Improve your decision-making and more with the art of discernment

In an age marked by information overload, rapid change, and an ever-expanding array of choices, the ability to discern has become more crucial. Discernment, the skill of distinguishing between right and wrong, truth and falsehood, meaningful and trivial, and the ability to judge well, is like a compass guiding us through the complex terrain of … Read more

How to find clarity and set clear goals for yourself

I received numerous private messages in response to last week’s blog post regarding goal setting, with a prevailing question and theme: What if I’m not clear on my goals? The Wheel of Life doesn’t quite work for me, and I can’t see the forest from the trees. So now what? Sometimes, not being clear on … Read more

Why goal setting matters and techniques to do it right

Do you sometimes feel like you are wandering around without a clear direction? Or something has changed in your life, and you feel like what once worked for you no longer serves you? Or maybe you have a good idea of what you want to do but are finding it hard right now to break … Read more

Wheel of Life: How to reflect or redirect your life

After a two-week break that coincided with the end of the Australian Financial Year and the school holidays, I took time to reflect on several areas in my life. It seemed like a good time to do this. I find that six months into the year and taking the time to do a quick stocktake … Read more

The JOHARI Window explained: Unlocking self-awareness

This week we explore a timeless model and a tool underutilised in leadership and self-development circles. The JOHARI Window (named by joining the first two names of American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, who developed the model in 1955) is a fantastic self-exploration model to help you see how you perceive yourself and how … Read more

What are the benefits of coaching?

This week is International Coaching Week (May 8-14), and it got me thinking about the benefits of coaching, and why I love coaching both as a receiver and a provider. When I joined IBM almost 24 years ago, coaching was emerging as a requirement for managers, and IBM invested significantly in teaching managers coaching skills. … Read more

What to look for when hiring a coach

A friend asked me for some tips on hiring a coach for one-on-one coaching. Knowing that I have experience in this space, she thought I might have a view on what to look for in a coach. Not surprisingly, I do! It takes a bit of effort to hire a coach and to have a … Read more

What I learned from starting a business on my own

In late 2018, I took an opportunity to step out of the corporate world and start a business. Many of my colleagues thought I was either crazy or lucky. I preferred the lucky version. The timing felt right to do my own thing; work with interesting people, doing interesting things with interesting impact. Something more … Read more

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