Difference between personal brand & reputation

A friend and I were discussing the difference between personal brand and personal reputation, and we ended up having a great conversation that I want to share. We talked about how, in this modern era, where digital presence and networking play crucial roles in both personal and professional success, terms like “personal brand” and “personal … Read more

Leadership: the importance of looking back

I was in Petra (one of the 7th wonders of the world) last week and took a 1,000-steps, one-hour hike up to the El-Deir (the Monastery), an amazing structure carved into a mountain and built by a people long gone. During the climb, as I focused on the steps ahead of me, the searing heat … Read more

How to balance being vs doing

A mentor of mine once imparted a piece of wisdom that took years for me to grasp fully (mentors tend to have this effect, by the way). He said there is a significant difference between being and doing, and that I was in “doing” mode way more than “being” mode. At the time, his words … Read more

How to overcome the comparison trap

In a world increasingly driven by social media, instant updates, and the perpetual need to present the best version of ourselves, the age-old adage “comparison is the thief of joy” rings truer than ever. While not new, this phenomenon has found fertile ground in modern times, affecting our personal lives, professional development, and leadership mindset … Read more

How not to bee busy

Ah, the busy person. We love them. Society loves them. We love ourselves for being busy. In today’s world, being busy is often worn as a badge of honour. The more packed our schedule, the more successful we must be, right? Not necessarily. While being busy might make one feel productive, it is not always … Read more

Celebrating what makes you, you

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, the pressure to conform can be overwhelming, which has always struck me as silly – if everyone was the same, how could we differentiate, diversify and add new value? I have seen many an organisation and manager who often have their vision of what an ideal employee should look … Read more

Which wolf will you feed? The inner struggle of despair and hope

In the ancient wisdom of Cherokee legend, a powerful parable speaks to the eternal struggle between darkness and light, despair and hope. It goes like this: “There are two wolves [in each of us], and they are always fighting. One is darkness and despair, and the other is light and hope. Which wolf wins? The … Read more

How recording your voice can transform you

Have you ever stopped to truly listen to the sound of your voice? In a world filled with noise and distraction, taking the time to record and listen to your voice may seem like a small act. Yet, this simple practice can catalyse profound transformation in your life. So here are some ideas on the … Read more

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