Overworked, overwhelmed, and over it? Rethink your boundaries

March has been the month of boundaries—for me at least, and, it seems, for a lot of leaders struggling to set them without guilt. Last week’s article resonated with so many of you, and the feedback was clear: leaders are struggling with setting boundaries and feeling authentic in this process. So, as we wrap up … Read more

Boundaries: Why you might be getting it wrong

Everywhere I turn, the topic of boundaries is front and centre. I am feeling it myself this month. Whether it is setting boundaries at work, with family, or in other areas of life, boundaries are coming up for my clients, friends and myself in pretty much every conversation. Why? Maybe it is the sheer exhaustion … Read more

IWD has left me cold yet again; here is what I am doing instead

It is that time of year again. The LinkedIn posts. The corporate breakfasts. The panels discussing the same issues we were talking about a decade ago. International Women’s Day continues to be performative at best and hollow at worst (see previous years blogs here and here). I am not interested in another round of symbolic … Read more

Radical self-honesty: leader’s skill

Most people think they are honest with themselves. They are not. Radical self-honesty is not just about avoiding lies. It is about cutting through the comfortable narratives we tell ourselves. It is about looking at yourself without filters, without excuses, and without letting your ego soften the blow. And if that sounds uncomfortable, it should. … Read more

Success is not a solo sport: Why leadership is a team effort

We love a lone genius story. The CEO who “saved” a company. The leader who “single-handedly” changed everything. The visionary who defied the odds. These stories are compelling: clear, dramatic, easy to digest. But they are rarely the full picture. The truth is, no one does it alone. Leadership is not a solo act; it … Read more

It is not a “time management” issue

How often have you heard someone say, “I just need to get better at time management”? I hear this from leaders consistently. Maybe you have said it yourself. I know I did in the past. But here is what we do know: you cannot manage time. Time moves forward no matter what you do (and … Read more

Fake it till you make it. Terrible leadership advice.

Fake it till you make it. It is one of the most widely repeated pieces of career advice. Smile with confidence, nod along, and pretend you know what you are doing until you actually do. It might work if you are learning a new skill or trying to overcome self-doubt in a low-stakes situation. But … Read more

A love letter to the future

As we step into a new year, the urge to reflect on the past is natural. We look back on the wins and losses, the joys and challenges, and we carry those lessons forward. But what if, instead of looking back, we chose to write forward? What if we began the year by creating a … Read more

The pause: a leader’s guide to doing nothing

As the year winds down and the holiday season is in full swing, many of us feel the all-too-familiar pull to wrap up loose ends, tie everything neatly with a bow, and hurtle into January armed with new plans and ambitions. But what if we just stopped? For leaders, the idea of pausing can feel … Read more

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