How breaking taboos can actually lead to better inclusivity

Growing up, the etiquette rulebook in many societies often said, “Don’t dive into sex, politics, or religion, especially at work or with new acquaintances.” The rationale is clear: these topics can be contentious and uncomfortable. Yet, as a friend wisely advised, even once familiarity is established, discussions must be approached with a learning mindset rather … Read more

The valuable lessons and skills that SMEs can teach us

I have been mulling over a rather vexing notion of late: What if the stalwarts of government agencies and the juggernauts of large corporations were to take a leap into entrepreneurship or embrace the dynamic world of small to medium enterprises (SMEs) at least once in their careers? What would they gain, and how better … Read more

Stop telling women to be “more confident”

Have you ever noticed how often women are told to “be more confident”? It’s a well-intentioned phrase – I am pretty sure I might have said that myself at one time or another. But it can carry some underlying assumptions about women’s abilities and self-esteem. The notion that confidence holds women back oversimplifies the complex … Read more

5 reasons why leaders also need to celebrate their teams

In this week’s blog post, I want to dive into a critical aspect of leadership that is often overlooked – celebrating wins and successes. We all know the leadership road to success is full of ups and downs, challenges, and victories. Being a leader isn’t for the faint-hearted; it takes guts and determination with a … Read more

A lighthearted guide to surviving a matrix organisation

Welcome to the Matrix! No, not the mind-bending world of Neo and Morpheus, but the ever-enigmatic realm of matrix organisations. If you are bewildered by this organisational structure where bosses seem to multiply like rabbits and reporting lines crisscross like a tangled spaghetti bowl, fear not! I’ve got your back with a lighthearted guide to … Read more

Remote, but not removed: Tips for working from home productively

Many discussions are happening regarding remote work, working from home, and bosses wanting their employees to return to the office. What I thought we might look at is the other end of this conversation and focus on us, the people working away from an office. Remote working means many things to many people, so to … Read more

Why we all need to show appreciation at work

When I left my last employer, many people contacted me to wish me well, as most people who leave their organisations would and do experience. What blew my mind was so many people sharing with me how much I had helped them, impacted them (positively!) and how many would miss me. Don’t get me wrong. … Read more

International Women’s Day: One day in 365 days of the year

Watching the traffic on LinkedIn this week with many celebrating International Women’s Day has been both uplifting and, frankly, depressing. Two emotions experienced in equal measure. So many posts are highlighting women that have made a difference. Grandmothers, Moms, sisters, daughters, colleagues, old bosses, new bosses and every woman a guy …or woman… has ever … Read more

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