Women Entrepreneurs: Holding half the sky, one hand at a time

It is that time of year again. Last week, on November 15th, we marked Women’s Entrepreneurship Day. I could not let it pass without reflecting on what it truly means to celebrate women entrepreneurs.  I am not talking about the surface-level “rah-rah, girl power” kind of celebration (though, hey, there is always a place for … Read more

International Women’s Day and the illusion of progress

With International Women’s Day (IWD) happening this week, I cannot help but reflect on the tangled web of promises and realities we, as women, find ourselves in. Since late last year, I have been questioning many of our national and international systems, laws and human rights, and while it is not typically what I focus … Read more

Stop telling women to be “more confident”

Have you ever noticed how often women are told to “be more confident”? It’s a well-intentioned phrase – I am pretty sure I might have said that myself at one time or another. But it can carry some underlying assumptions about women’s abilities and self-esteem. The notion that confidence holds women back oversimplifies the complex … Read more

WIC Dinner & Debate March 2022

I GAVE THIS SPEECH IN MARCH 2022 AT THE WOMEN IN INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION (WIC) DINNER FOR INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY. MANY PEOPLE HAVE ASKED ME FOR THIS SPEECH, AND I PROVIDE IT HERE IN GOOD FAITH. ENJOY! Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Many of us have heard this quote attributed to British politician … Read more

International Women’s Day: One day in 365 days of the year

Watching the traffic on LinkedIn this week with many celebrating International Women’s Day has been both uplifting and, frankly, depressing. Two emotions experienced in equal measure. So many posts are highlighting women that have made a difference. Grandmothers, Moms, sisters, daughters, colleagues, old bosses, new bosses and every woman a guy …or woman… has ever … Read more

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