It is not a “time management” issue

How often have you heard someone say, “I just need to get better at time management”? I hear this from leaders consistently. Maybe you have said it yourself. I know I did in the past. But here is what we do know: you cannot manage time. Time moves forward no matter what you do (and … Read more

Quick energy boosts to show up 100%

Let us be honest. We don’t always feel like stepping into that meeting room or hopping on that Zoom/Teams call. Our energy might be low, our minds elsewhere—maybe the baby kept you up all night, or you have just hit that mid-afternoon slump. And sometimes, there’s no option to reschedule or take a long break. … Read more

The call for rest

This past week has been about stopping, restocking, and taking a day—actually, four days—to pause, recharge, reconnect, and remember what matters. It’s been a long year on many fronts, and someone reminded me that there are twelve weekends until Christmas (sorry, yes, I cringed too). It feels like time is spinning faster than we can … Read more

Managing expectations: resilience and better relationships

Have you ever felt disappointed, frustrated, or let down by someone or something in your life? If you answered yes (and who hasn’t?), this week’s blog post is for you. In this short article, I explore the power of managing your expectations and how it can lead to a stronger and more resilient you and … Read more

Leadership: the importance of looking back

I was in Petra (one of the 7th wonders of the world) last week and took a 1,000-steps, one-hour hike up to the El-Deir (the Monastery), an amazing structure carved into a mountain and built by a people long gone. During the climb, as I focused on the steps ahead of me, the searing heat … Read more

How to balance being vs doing

A mentor of mine once imparted a piece of wisdom that took years for me to grasp fully (mentors tend to have this effect, by the way). He said there is a significant difference between being and doing, and that I was in “doing” mode way more than “being” mode. At the time, his words … Read more

How to overcome the comparison trap

In a world increasingly driven by social media, instant updates, and the perpetual need to present the best version of ourselves, the age-old adage “comparison is the thief of joy” rings truer than ever. While not new, this phenomenon has found fertile ground in modern times, affecting our personal lives, professional development, and leadership mindset … Read more

How not to bee busy

Ah, the busy person. We love them. Society loves them. We love ourselves for being busy. In today’s world, being busy is often worn as a badge of honour. The more packed our schedule, the more successful we must be, right? Not necessarily. While being busy might make one feel productive, it is not always … Read more

The power of saying NO and how to use it (politely!) at work

For my first post for 2024, I thought I would write about something that I have been reflecting on for quite some time and is something I think some of us struggle with more than others. Something that might seem counterintuitive in a world that often celebrates the word “yes” and the “hustle” like it … Read more

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