Navigating hubris: A leader’s guide to avoiding self-sabotage

Have you ever met someone so convinced of their infallibility that it borders on arrogance? Perhaps you have encountered a leader who seems to believe they are always right, unwilling to listen to others or acknowledge mistakes. Well, this is the dangerous territory of hubris. Hubris is not a fancy term for arrogance; it is … Read more

International Women’s Day and the illusion of progress

With International Women’s Day (IWD) happening this week, I cannot help but reflect on the tangled web of promises and realities we, as women, find ourselves in. Since late last year, I have been questioning many of our national and international systems, laws and human rights, and while it is not typically what I focus … Read more

What conflict can teach us about ourselves

This week, I wanted to delve into what conflict can teach us about ourselves as leaders, exploring how challenges unveil our character, decision-making capabilities, and resilience. In the dynamic landscape of organisational life, conflicts are not just inevitable obstacles to be overcome. They are empowering opportunities that serve a positive and powerful purpose: they are … Read more

How to leave a legacy, as a leader

There is much chatter in leadership discussion circles about legacy, particularly the legacy a leader may leave once they depart an organisation or role. And it seems that “What’s the legacy you want to leave?” is on many interviewers’ lists of questions (whether it is a good question or not is debatable). Leaving a legacy … Read more

How breaking taboos can actually lead to better inclusivity

Growing up, the etiquette rulebook in many societies often said, “Don’t dive into sex, politics, or religion, especially at work or with new acquaintances.” The rationale is clear: these topics can be contentious and uncomfortable. Yet, as a friend wisely advised, even once familiarity is established, discussions must be approached with a learning mindset rather … Read more

Human emotions and how to understand them and use them constructively

5 key human emotions to know and use constructively as leaders

Humanity is a mosaic of emotions, a symphony of experiences that span the spectrum from joy to sorrow, love to hate, and everything in between. Many scientists have tried to boil human emotions down to seven or eight universal emotional expressions, with some suggesting that humans experience 17 million combinations of emotions in a lifetime. … Read more

Fatigue in leadership: How you can reclaim your energy

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, with the relentless pursuit of goals and the constant demands of leadership, fatigue can stealthily become an unwelcome companion. As we head into the last vestiges of this year, perhaps we are burdened and tired by what is happening both at the macro level (Gaza, inflation, … Read more

The resonance of silence

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assertion, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends,” is a poignant reminder of the power of friendship and the responsibility it entails. I thought I had understood those words, but in recent weeks, I have realised that I had … Read more

The Power of One: How one person can make a difference

Last week, a chance encounter with a stranger led to a conversation about the notion that “one person can’t make a difference.” It’s a sentiment I have encountered multiple times throughout my career in information technology, in my first managerial role, when previous employers hesitated to take critical business steps, or whenever I voiced concerns … Read more

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