The power of a positive mindset

When you think about outstanding leadership, what comes to mind? Decisive decision-making, strategic thinking, or the ability to motivate a team through thick and thin? All important, sure. However, one quality that quietly underpins the most effective leaders yet is often overlooked is a positive mindset. And no, I do not mean the cliché of … Read more

Why mission matters for today’s leaders

On Monday, I attended an industry event where the speaker was asked a straightforward question: “What is your vision for the organisation?” His response was interesting. Rather than offering a bold new vision, he acknowledged that the organisation already had a vision and did not need to reinvent it just because he was now at … Read more

Harnessing social proof as a leader

In the dynamic world of leadership, influencing others is not just about making decisions and giving orders. It is about creating an environment where people feel motivated, engaged, and productive. One influential concept that leaders can use to achieve this is social proof. So, in this week’s blog post, I wanted to explore what social … Read more

Managing expectations: resilience and better relationships

Have you ever felt disappointed, frustrated, or let down by someone or something in your life? If you answered yes (and who hasn’t?), this week’s blog post is for you. In this short article, I explore the power of managing your expectations and how it can lead to a stronger and more resilient you and … Read more

Difference between personal brand & reputation

A friend and I were discussing the difference between personal brand and personal reputation, and we ended up having a great conversation that I want to share. We talked about how, in this modern era, where digital presence and networking play crucial roles in both personal and professional success, terms like “personal brand” and “personal … Read more

Leadership: the importance of looking back

I was in Petra (one of the 7th wonders of the world) last week and took a 1,000-steps, one-hour hike up to the El-Deir (the Monastery), an amazing structure carved into a mountain and built by a people long gone. During the climb, as I focused on the steps ahead of me, the searing heat … Read more

How to Build A Team

I am travelling for July, and my journey began with multiple airlines and several long-haul flights. Arriving at my destination had me reflecting on the concept of teams. The flight crews on each of the four flights sparked this train of thought. I remembered reading some time ago that flight crews often come together for … Read more

How to balance being vs doing

A mentor of mine once imparted a piece of wisdom that took years for me to grasp fully (mentors tend to have this effect, by the way). He said there is a significant difference between being and doing, and that I was in “doing” mode way more than “being” mode. At the time, his words … Read more

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