Fatigue in leadership: How you can reclaim your energy

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, with the relentless pursuit of goals and the constant demands of leadership, fatigue can stealthily become an unwelcome companion. As we head into the last vestiges of this year, perhaps we are burdened and tired by what is happening both at the macro level (Gaza, inflation, … Read more

The resonance of silence

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assertion, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends,” is a poignant reminder of the power of friendship and the responsibility it entails. I thought I had understood those words, but in recent weeks, I have realised that I had … Read more

The Power of One: How one person can make a difference

Last week, a chance encounter with a stranger led to a conversation about the notion that “one person can’t make a difference.” It’s a sentiment I have encountered multiple times throughout my career in information technology, in my first managerial role, when previous employers hesitated to take critical business steps, or whenever I voiced concerns … Read more

The power of courage in leadership and how to develop yours

In leadership positions, where decisions can carry monumental consequences and challenges seem to lurk around every corner, courage emerges as a critical character attribute that differentiates those who wish they were leaders from those who are leaders. Courage is a quality that transcends all others, empowering leaders to face adversity with tenacity and confidently lead … Read more

Why love needs to be in a leader’s vocabulary

This week’s blog post is about love and leadership. I know that love isn’t usually a word we associate with leadership or business. And that is a shame. Ask any entrepreneur what got them started on a particular idea or a business leader why they do what they do, and they might give you the … Read more

How to be a good leader in challenging times

Why leadership in challenging times matters more… My contention has always been that it’s easier to be a leader in the “good times” – when the market is a seller market, or there is an abundance of people and resources. Or when interest rates are low and there is relative peace worldwide. The test of … Read more

The importance of rest for leaders: Tips and why it’s a must

Every manager and leader knows this: We are caught in a never-ending work cycle, striving to meet deadlines, drive results, meet expectations and keep our teams on track. Let alone manage our long list of to-dos, must-dos and nice to-dos. The constant demands can affect one’s physical and mental well-being. I am all for dedication … Read more

Can one learn to be resilient?

Continuing to celebrate the arrival of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere and a couple of business birthdays, this week’s blog post is by my good friend, Ms. Kishwar Rahman. Kishwar is an entrepreneur and consultant specialising in government digital policy, procurement and governance. I am delighted she agreed to write for Humanosity in the last … Read more

The valuable lessons and skills that SMEs can teach us

I have been mulling over a rather vexing notion of late: What if the stalwarts of government agencies and the juggernauts of large corporations were to take a leap into entrepreneurship or embrace the dynamic world of small to medium enterprises (SMEs) at least once in their careers? What would they gain, and how better … Read more

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