Lending you years of experience, so you can be challenged to level-up your thinking.

Thank you for stopping by. My name is Hala Batainah.
I’m the founder of Humanosity with years of experience and adventures as an executive leader in the information technology industry.
I know the loneliness of leadership, the battle to keep your humanity in the face of daily micro-moments of truth and the confidence and trust in yourself needed to make the impact you want on the world.
I believe the world needs more of our humanity, especially in leadership. And one way of tapping into our strengths, finding our leadership voice and becoming the leader we always thought we would be is through coaching.
With my dynamic coaching style, you get the following:
- Unwavering commitment to you and your desired outcomes. I believe in this work being a partnership.
- No shying away from difficult conversations. I want to provoke deeper thinking because it’s only by challenging you that you’ll truly grow.
- Advice and insights delivered with clarity and compassion.
While we all have unique talents and value as individuals, I recognise the courage it takes to step into all your power.

After all, playing small feels safe. Your comfort zone is pretty cozy. But if you’re not satisfied with the impact you’re making right now, it’s because you’re meant for so much more. I have been there myself and know the toll it takes on your soul. There is a way forward.
Our work together will sharpen your skill set, identify roadblocks and devise strategies to navigate your way past them. We’ll be able to measure your growth so you can have genuine confidence in your abilities. You’ll be able to transform your thinking and produce the work and life that lights you up.

Here's what I believe.
Love unlimitedly.
When it comes to my role in coaching, there is no ego. No judgment. I’m there to provide you with a safe and supportive space and help you seek out your answers and reach your goals.
Always seek clarity.
It’s clarity that gives you purpose and direction. I want you to reach those lightbulb moments that lead to breakthroughs, and we do it by simplifying the obstacles in your way.
Work in partnership.
If you want to travel far, let’s go together. I’ll meet you where you’re at and lend you the perspectives and insights to uncover paths forward that you might otherwise miss.
If you feel motivated by the idea of working together to break down your challenges and reach your desired outcome, then let’s start a conversation.
There’s enough noise in the world.
Let’s simplify your challenges so you can see exactly how to advance towards your goals.

Reconnect with your purpose.
Reignite your brilliance.
Learn how to become unstuck, and step into the role you’re truly here to fill with genuine self-assurance and certainty.